
Friday, July 13, 2012

Wigged Out Ellowyne Wilde

This is the newest wigged out Ellowyne she is number 5 in the series. She is a ball jointed doll and stands 16 inches tall. She comes with one wig, however, here I have her in a Monique wig and a white light summer crochet outfit I made her.

And above she is in a curly wigged look.

Last but not least yet another wig by Monique.

And for the person looking for values etc. this doll retails at 109.00 new and mint in box.
This doll is the wigged essential doll version  #5 with blue eyes and a blonde removable wig. The doll also comes in brunette wig or red wig, and is available at Wilde Imagination Doll Company.

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