
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Doll Collecting

Doll collecting is a hobby of mine. I don't remember exactly when it started or how. I do know that I now have hundreds of dolls. I have a room just to keep them all in. Some are valuable and some are just sentimental.
I'll never forget one time when I was driving my van with a bunch of dolls in it. I had just purchased a large group of vinyl dolls. Some were 2 feet tall and three feet as well. I put them on the backseat haphazardly. I came to a sudden stop and one of the large dolls landed up front upside down, feet up in the air. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of the look I got from the lady in the next lane.
There are baby dolls, rubber dolls, paper dolls, wooden dolls, cloth dolls, porcelain dolls and on and on and on. My collection varies greatly.
This is my blog... I also have a doll collecting website

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